How to download and install FilterPixel?
To download and install FilterPixel, please follow these steps:
To download the latest version of the app visit our website : FilterPixel Website
Once you visit the FilterPixel website, Click on the "Start using FilterPixel" button on the top right corner.
Clicking on that button will take you to the next page, where you can register by signing in with Google, signing in with Facebook, or manually entering your name and email address, and selecting the genre of your photography.
After registration, you can choose between the Mac and Windows versions of the app to download.
Once the download is completed, double-click on the application to start the installation.
After completing the installation, click on "Finish" and proceed to run the application.
To download the latest version of the app visit our website : FilterPixel Website
Once you visit the FilterPixel website, Click on the "Start using FilterPixel" button on the top right corner.
Clicking on that button will take you to the next page, where you can register by signing in with Google, signing in with Facebook, or manually entering your name and email address, and selecting the genre of your photography.
After registration, you can choose between the Mac and Windows versions of the app to download.
Once the download is completed, double-click on the application to start the installation.
After completing the installation, click on "Finish" and proceed to run the application.
Updated on: 28/01/2024
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